

  •  WILD TYPE為手工品牌,製作時長較長,部分商品採接單訂製的方式出貨。
  • 出貨日為訂購成功後的 7 至 20 個工作天(不含假日或國定假日)。
  • 急單或其他特殊需求歡迎提早透過站內聯繫品牌 Instagram與我們聯繫討論。


  • 退款申請須於收到商品後隔日起算 7 日(包含假日)內提出
  • 退換貨商品必須是全新狀態(保持商品包裝、贈品、標籤等之完整性) ,否則WILD TYPE有權拒絕退貨。
  • 換貨僅限出貨錯誤或瑕疵商品,例如:款式有誤或鏈條串接錯誤(不包含天然原料正常痕跡斑點、金屬正常氧化、或包裝因運送導致的擠壓變形)
  • 基於個人衛生考量,耳針款耳環不適用網路購物七日鑑賞期 除非商品寄錯或是瑕疵,售出後不提供退換貨。
  • 客製化商品,不接受因個人因素申請退款。
  • 個人因素的退換運費由買家自行負擔 ,出貨錯誤或瑕疵商品的退換運費由WILD TYPE負擔。
  • 不提供發票,如需收據請於下單時備註。
  • 單筆消費金額滿 NTD.3600 享有國內免運費


退換貨請於收到商品七日內,透過站內聯繫私訊品牌 Instagram ,我們將協助您辦理退換貨事宜。


  • 不配戴時,請使用拭銀布擦拭並放入夾鏈袋中保存
  • 金屬氧化為正常現象,可使用拭銀布擦拭 (拭銀布請勿用水清洗)
  • 純銀商品請勿配戴去泡溫泉

For customers from overseas,

If you have any questions, please reach me before purchasing. 

  • Handmade products are made to order. Processing time 7-20 business days after purchasing.
  • All international orders will be shipped by Chunghwa Post (worldwide) or SF Express 順豐速運(China\Hong Kong\Macao only)
  • International shipping takes about 14-30 business days.
  • Please note that I do not pay import taxes or import fees. I am also not responsible for parcel delays.

I currently do not accept returns/exchanges/refunds. If anything happens please contact me using the contact form or the direct message in Instagram. Issues will be addressed on a case by case basis.


Silver cleaning reminders

  • If silver becomes tarnished as a result of discoloration or oxidation, please use the silver cloth and wipe the jewelry.
  • the silver cloth should never be laundered since that will remove the polishers.
  • To avoid oxidation, when not wearing, you can wrap the jewelry in tissue papers and put it in a plastic zipper bag.